Hello... My name is Neal.
Church Comunicator
But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent?
Romans 10:14-15a
About Neal
Prior to his calling to be a communicator for the Church, he worked as a teacher, radio announcer, and professional singer. He has a teaching certification from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Bachelor of Music Performance from the University of South Florida.
Neal is married to the Rev. Michele C. Fischer, an ELCA pastor
Professional Skills
- to envision, create, and manage comprehensive
strategic plans for internal and external communications - to multitask in order to achieve the desired outcomes within the timeframe allowed
- to create and implement brand standards for
- with congregations
- colleagues
- ecumenical partners
- the larger church
- ministry partners
- in the production of print and electronic media
- in the creation and use of content management systems for web development
- in planning the areas of communication, presentation, and production for large events and meetings
- on improving communications content and presentation through analytics and personal feedback
- in the use of video and live-streaming events
- in the use of social media in the church
- information technology issues including networking, software, and purchasing
- the need for professionalism and confidentiality requirements of working for the larger church
Work Examples
Here are some examples of my recent work.
Lutheran Living in South Carolina
A Video Magazine for the ELCA South Carolina Synod
Welcome to the first edition of Lutheran Living in South Carolina. This video magazine will share a wonderful story of one way Redeemer, Columbia is involving youth more deeply in worship. Rev. James Henricks shares a resource worth looking at. Also, Rev. Emily Edenfield brings us another Lutheran F.A.Q.
Crisis Communications
With the shootings in Charleston, national news outlets descended on our congregations, pastors, and the bishop. Helping them be prepared for some of the questions they would be facing helped to diffuse a number of situations through the early weeks of coverage. During the flood, we turned around quick stories and photographs helping to raise $200,000 within the synod. Those same stories helped LDR raise an additional $200,000.
SCSynod.com and eNews
Rebuilt from the ground up to be “mobile first” in design.
The website has moved from a series of static pages to a content management system based site. When I first arrived, the website was averaging 1,800 visits a year. Today, it receives 23,000 per year. Visitors have moved from consuming the site completely from their desktop to a place where 50% of the site’s visitors come from phones or tablets. Likewise, The South Carolina Lutheran eNews moved to a mobile first design which has led to a 50+% open rate and a 20+% clickthrough rate with that growth being led by mobile usage. Both numbers are approximately double the average of most religious institutions according to our provider.
ELCA World Hunger “Big Game” Challenge
Video & Marketing Campaign
The Carolina Panthers played the Denver Broncos in the “Big Game,” the North and South Carolina Synods took on the Rocky Mountain and Grand Canyon Synods in the annual challenge. The two Carolina synods raised over $33,000 in under two weeks helping combine for a total of $77,000 for ELCA World Hunger.
The South Carolina Lutheran Magazine
Print is a declining method of communication. Yet, it remains a main source of information for some members. In the three years prior to my arrival, the magazine was losing 1,100 subscribers per year. After a redesign, and adding writers, we’ve lost a total of 1,200 over the last three years. A dramatic slowing of loss that is naturally occurring.
Special Services
Presentation at eFormation event in Columbia.
I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to teach with
I’ve been a Church Communicator for Over Fourteen years
What Others Say
“Neal is an innovative and creative communicator with a deep passion for the future of the Church. He is a dedicated professional who explores the changing boundaries of his field with enthusiasm and wisdom.”
“Neal is a treasured colleague who has a deep understanding of the evangelical call a church communications professional has to share the gospel and to help parishes, organizations and individuals in the Church do he same. His knowledge and skill level with all social media, websites, blogs and AV equipment is top notch. He has a vision for using technology and digital and participatory media to further God’s work in the world. He is always willing and ready to mentor others and doesn’t hold back when it’s time to do the best we can do as Synod and Diocesan Communicators.”
“Neal is a consummate professional. His attention to detail and expert knowledge provided an excellent service to our production. Neal goes beyond the call of duty to make things happen. His friendly and gentle personality make him a pleasure to work with.”
“Neal has been a valued colleague who has found innovative ways to use Web technology (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, video, and webcasting) to connect the people of the ELCA South Carolina Synod with what’s going on nationally in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.”